Engineers hauling blocks of stone for repairing a bridge - British official photograph from the western front Two brave British women that live within 500 yards of the front trench in Belgium - "Angels of mercy" - British heroines in Flanders Brave British women attending to the wounded in the Belgian front line - "Angels of Mercy". - British heroines in Flanders Artillery crossing the Yser - Official photographs taken on the british western front - The battle of Flanders Bridging the Yser during an advance North of Ypres - Official photographs taken on the british western front - The battle of Flanders A light railway bringing up ammunition - Official photographs taken on the british western front - The battle of Flanders Gardeners tending the graves of our fallen heroes - Official photographs taken on the british western front - Work of the W.A.A.C. in France Two officers make use of a lorry to read their map - Official photographs taken on the british western front Funeral of a fallen hero - Official photographs taken on the british western front An advanced Y.M.C.A. - Official photographs taken on the British western front Boche armoured observation box used by a British observation officer to scan captured ground - Official photographs taken on the British western front Repearing a blown-up lock - British official photograph from the western front