monographs on the progress of research in holland during the war Achievements in optics / by A. Brouwers Nieuw Nederland : bijdragen van buiten bezet gebied in verband met den wederopbouw van ons land / verzameld door A.A. van Rhijn As he saw it / Elliott Roosevelt ; with a forew. by Eleanor Roosevelt Instrument flying : instruction book / Howard C. Stark ballantine's illustrated history of the violent century. war leader book Mussolini / Christopher Hibbert ballantine's illustrated history of the violent century. war leader book Göring / [by] Roger Manvell / advised by Heinrich Franenkel [i.e. Fraenkel] research study National security and individual freedom / H.D. Lasswell School of the citizen sailor / Louis H. Bolander, William G. Fletcher, Ralph H. Gabriel ; Second Army Board armed services edition Bishop's Jaegers / by Thorne Smith Britsch-Indië getrouw : de London correspondent van de "New York Times" interviewt Lord Hardinge of Penshurst Tanks and armored vehicles / by Robert J. Icks ; ed. by Phillip Andrews c.a.d. Inventaris van de archieven van de Netherlands Purchasing Commission en haar rechtsvoorgangers te San Diego en New York, 1939-1945 / Emiel Mettes