elite series Vikings / text by Ian Heath ; colour pl. by Angus McBride Armour in conflict : the design and tactics of armoured fighting vehicles / Ian Vernon Hogg osprey military warrior series German Stormtrooper : 1915-18 / Ian Drury ; illustrated by G. Embleton greenhill military manuals Submachine guns / by Ian V. Hogg Scraps of paper : German proclamations in Belgium and France / with a foreword by Ian Malcolm Sir Ian Hamilton's despatches from the Dardanelles British artillery weapons and ammunition, 1914-1918 / [by] I. V. Hogg and L. F. Thurston osprey campaign series Colenso, 1899 : the Boer War in Natal / Ian Knight warrior series Zulu 1816-1906 / text by Ian Knight ; colour plates by Angus McBride Defeat in the West / Milton Shulman ; with an introd. by Ian Jacob ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books guns : 1939/45 / [by] Ian V. Hogg ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books guns, 1914-18 / [by] I.V. Hogg