anti-aircraft training instruction Light anti-aircraft - Engeland Voorschrift, 43/AA/1786 pamphlet Instructions for the repair of tentage and tarpaulins / War Office - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/Publications/5349 military training pamphlet Training in fieldcraft and elementary tactics - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Pubns/265 pamphlet Instructions for the examination, repair and sentencing of anti-gas clothing / War Office - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/Publications/5349 pamphlet Instructions for the operation of industrial gas units, R.A.O.C. / War Office - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/Publications/5772 training of the younger cadet - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Publications/687 Manual of military law - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/Manuals/833 infantry training memorandum carriage of infantry on tanks - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Publications/1443 Manual of map reading, photo reading, and field sketching, 1929 / The War Office - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Pubns/124 Notes from theatres of war : Far East : April-November 1943 - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Publications/1160 Small arms training : Mechanical subjects / War Office. Army Council. Vol. I. Pamphlet no. 7: .303-inch machine gun - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Publications/628 Small arms training : Range-finder no. 12 / War Office. Army Council. Vol. I - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Publications/598