history of the English-speaking peoples : The age of revolution / Winston S. Churchill Winston Churchill bezoekt Nederland, 8 tot en met 13 mei 1946 / reportage samengest. door A.B.M. Brans en E. Cancrinus Surgery in war / by Alfred J. Hull ; with a pref. by Alfred Keogh Men under stress / by Roy R. Grinker and John P. Spiegel Churchill : het portret van een staatsman / door Guy Eden ; met een voorw. van H.A. Lunshof Hitler's Reich and Churchill's Britain : a conversation between Stephen Laird and Walter Graebner ("Time", "Life" and "Fortune" correspondants in Berlin and London) Secret session speeches : (delivered to the House of Commons 1940-1943) / by Winston S. Churchill ; comp. by Charles Eade history of the English-speaking peoples : The new world / Winston S. Churchill manual of practical hygiene / Edmund A. Parkes Winston Churchill / door Lewis Broad ; [Ned. bew. en vert.: Theo Joekes] Winston Churchill / by Ernest Barker prevention of disease in tropical and sub-tropical campaigns / by Andrew Duncan, M.D., B.S. Lond., F.R.C.S.