Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No.2, Mortar (4.2-inch). 1943 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. - Brits voorschrift Small Arms Training. Vol. I, Pamph. No.28. Sniping. Code No. 7011. - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Volume V. Small Arms Range Regulations, WO 7242 Signal Training in the junior training corps and army cadet force. WO 7078 Signal Training. Vol. II. Part II. Wireless. 1936. - Engeland Voorschrift Signal Training Pamphlet no. 3. Part I. Waterproving of signal equipment for protection during wading. (Provisional). WO 7570 Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 3. Part II. Maintenance of Generating Sets and Charging Equipment in the Field. (Provisional). - Engeland Voorschrift Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 3. Part III. Maintenance of Wireless Sets. Nos.19 and 22 in the Field. 1944. - Engeland Voorschrift Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 3. Maintenance of Signal Equipment in the Field. Part IV. Teleprinters 7B (WD). 1945 - Engeland Voorschrift Signal Training Pamphlet no. 4. Construction and Maintenance of Lines. Part III. Poled Lines. WO 7578 Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 7. Training. Part I. How to Instruct. WO 7016