officer's guide : a ready reference on customs and correct procedures which pertain to commissioned officers of the army of the United States Histoire de Washington et de la fondation de la République des États-Unis / par Cornelis de Witt ; préc. étude historique sur Washington par M. … qmc historical studies Quartermaster corps inspection 1946-1956 / by John V. Haggard treaties and other international acts series Mutual defense assistance : agreement between the United States of America and France treaties and other international acts series Civil administration and jurisdiction in liberated French territory : agreement between the United States of America and France treaties and other international acts series Mutual defense treaty : between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines treaties and other international acts series Mutual defense assistance : agreement between the United States of America and New Zealand treaties and other international acts series Mutual security : Assurances Under Mutual Security Act of 1951 : agreement between the United States of America and Cambodia treaties and other international acts series Mutual security : Assurances Under Mutual Security Act of 1951 : agreement between the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany treaties and other international acts series Mutual security : Assurances Under Mutual Security Act of 1951 : agreement between the United States of America and Italy treaties and other international acts series Mutual defense assistance : disposition of surplus equipment and material : agreement between the United States of America and Portugal treaties and other international acts series Mutual defense assistance : redistributable and excess property : agreement between the United States of America and Denmark