geschil over de grensscheiding tussen Venezuela en Britisch-Guiana / P.M. Netscher chitral campaign / H.C. Thomson herbewapening en haar invloed in het Verenigde Koninkrijk / uitg. van de ec. voorlichtingsdienst van het Min. v. Ec. Zaken Organization, composition and strength of the army of Great-Britain / M. Petrie Correspondence between the governments of the United States, and Great Britain : in regard to recruiting for the British army within the United States Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into certain memorials from Officers in the army : in reference to the abolition of purchase Report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the present system of recruiting in the army Three main military questions of the day : 1. A home reserve army : 2. The more economie military tenure of India : 3. Cavalry … Chart depicting ribands and emblems of orders, decorations and medals in use of the Britisch Army including those of certain allied countries Damaging evidence against English hypocrisy : two dates 1882-1914 : Egypt and Belgium / [by M. M. Rifat] Wie den vrede niet willen / door een Nederlandsch journalist fedeltà dell' India