Verbrande Fransche opslagplaats bij Fismes, het verlies aan materieel van de Franschen in onoverzienbaar Portret van 1e luitenant L.J.H. Schadee - Fotoalbum samengesteld ter gelegenheid van het 25-jarig bestaan van het Instructie Bataljon te Kampen en aangeboden door majoor … Water in petrol tins ready for our thirsty troops as they advance Just out of the trenches. Men drawing rations from the Q.M's stores Cooks serving out the dinners to mess orderlies at an infantry camp The officer inspecting mess tin cleaning in an infantry camp Cooks at a camp preparing vegetables Cooks at a camp preparing vegetables Cooks at a camp preparing vegetables Outside the billet In their billet Arrival of the mail scene outside on the balcony of their billet