vliegtuigen in gevecht Ju 88-bommenwerpersquadrons in het westen / [John Weal] ; [vert. ILC Taleninstituut] Fundamentals of tank employment for modelers / by John Vink German atomic bomb : the history of nuclear research in Nazi Germany / David Irving Russian war, 1941-1945 : [Soviet photographs of the 2nd world war] / ed. by Daniela Mrázkóva and Vladimir Remes ; text by A.J.P. Taylor Airborne warfare 1918-1945 Military intelligence blunders / John Hughes-Wilson ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii . campaign books Barbarossa : invasion of Russia, 1941 / John Keegan ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books Waffen SS : the asphalt soldiers / John Keegan history of the second world war. campaign book Pacific hawk / John Vader Rockets and guided missiles / John Humphries ; with a forew. by A.D. Baxter dark haven / by F.T.K. Bullmore ; with a forew. by John Salmond Historic voices and music from World War II