Voyages dans la Grande-Bretagne, entrepris relativement aux services publics de la guerre, de la marine, et des ponts et chaussées, au commerce et à l'industrie … Levensgeschiedenis van Z. M. George IV, Koning van Grootbrittanje enz.; met een overzigt van zijne regering en van de handelingen zijner voornaamste ministers / uit … all red series British West Indies : their history, resources and progress / by Algernon E. Aspinall Uniforms of the Peninsular War / illustrated by Frank Wilson; with descriptive text by Arthur Kipling american casebook series Cases on international law : principally selected from decisions of English and American courts / ed. by James Brown Scott Nelson and the command of the sea / by J.D. Upcott Remember you are an Englishman : a biography of Sir Harry Smith, 1787-1860 / Joseph H. Lehmann Duke of Wellington : a pictorial survey of his life (1769-1852) / by Victor Percival Britsche heerschappij over Java en onderhoorigheden, (1811-1816) / door Henry David Levyssohn Norman Empire of the North Atlantic : the maritime struggle for North America / Gerald S. Graham Wellington / [by] Elizabeth Longford Édouard VII et son temps / André Maurois