Egyptian Soudan : its loss and recovery including / Henry S.L. Alford , W. Dennistoun Sword Transvalers en hunne heldhaftige vrouwen / door J.H. Rovers With the Boers in the Transvaal and Orange Free State in 1880-81 / Charles L. Norris-Newman Afghanistan : mit Rücksicht auf den Englisch-Afghanischen Krieg / J. Chavanne Narrative of the field operations connected with the Zuluwar of 1879 kriegerischen Ereignisse in Aegypten, während des Sommers 1882 / H. Vogt campagne de huit jours : la guerre au Chili (août 1891) / Lamiraux geschil over de grensscheiding tussen Venezuela en Britisch-Guiana / P.M. Netscher chitral campaign / H.C. Thomson From colonel to subaltern : some keys for horseowners / by M.F. MacTaggart Roof over Britain : the official story of Britain's anti-aircraft defences 1939-1942 / prepared for the War Office and the Air Ministry by the Ministry … dominaçao Ingleza na India : condemnada pelos Inglezes