Bofors. The Bofors Concern Bofors. General information about materials used by Bofors in the manufcture of ordnance materiel Bofors. Surface treatment B 4001, Painting after alodine treatment Bofors. Surface treatment A 4005, Phosphate treatment bonderising bo Bofors. Bofors 40mm automatic gun L/70 on field mounting Bofors. AB Bofors Technical Manual for 40mm A.A. Gun L/70 on field mounting Hotchkiss-Brandt. Tables de tier du projectile de 120mm PR. 14 dans le materiel MO.120.RT.61 Brandt. Tables de tier provisoires du matëriel Brandt de 81mm, Tube "long" Brandt. Manuel du matériel Brandt de 81mm Brandt. Emballlage et transport des munitions pour mortiers Brandt de 60 et 81mm Brandt. Le matériel Brandt de 81mm, Annexe 1 Brandt. Le projectile éclairant Brant de 81mm