Nederland en de kernwapens : een studie over het Nederlands nucleair beleid 1972-1985 / leden studiegroep D.J. Bloem ... [et al.] nederlandse bibliografische studies Nederlandse vestingbouw : bibliografie van tijdschriftartikelen verschenen tussen 1946 en 1985 / P.J. Izeboud new research in museum studies Objects of knowledge / ed. by Susan Pearce leicester readers in museum studies Care of collections / ed. by Simon Knell leicester readers in museum studies Collections management / ed. by Anne Fahy studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare Sites of memory, sites of mourning : the Great War in European cultural history / Jay Winter middeleeuwse studies en bronnen moord op graaf Floris V / door Jan Willem Verkaik amsterdam archaeological studies From the sword to the plough : three studies on the earliest romanisation of Northern Gaul / ed.: N. Roymans Eprouvettes : a comprehensive study of early devices for the testing of gunpowder / RTW Kempers qmc historical studies Clothing the soldier of World War II / by Erna Risch and Thomas Pitkin ; Historical Section Office of the Quartermaster General history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Manpower : a study of war-time policy and administration / by H.M.D. Parker united states strategic bombing survey detailed study of the effects of area bombing on ... : Darmstadt