tempo dulu witte karbouw : herinneringen aan een oorlog in de tropen / door E. Mahler warfare in history Renaissance military memoirs : war, history, and identity, 1450-1600 / Yuval Noah Harari Knife fights : a memoir of modern war in theory and practice / John A. Nagl egodocuments and history series On military memoirs : a quantitative comparison of international Afghanistan war autobiographies, 2001-2010 / by L.H.E. (Esmeralda) Kleinreesink Brandt. Mortier Brandt de 120 mm type A, Aide memoire werken Memoriën van Roger Williams, voorafgegaan door eene verhandeling over hem / door J.T. Bodel Nyenhuis wonde van Europa / Reginald E. Colby ; [vert. door Nanny A. Hoogsteder] terror machine : the inside story of the Soviet Administration in Germany / Gregory Klimov ; transl. from the German by H.C. Stevens ; introd. … Im Generalstab / S.M. Schtemenko ; ins Deutsche übertragen von Arno Specht I was there : the personal story of the chief of staff to presidents Roosevelt and Truman, based on his notes and diaries made at … Happy Odyssee : the memoirs of Lieutenant-General Adrian Carton de Wiart, V.C., K.B.E, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. ; with a forew. by Winston S. Churchill jonathan cape paperback Harold Laski, 1893-1950 : a biographical memoir / Kingsley Martin