US Army Air Defense Employment Redeye. FM 44-23 Service of Radio Set SCR-584. - USA Voorschrift Field Manual 44-44 Service of the Piece Multiple Gun Motor Carriages M15 and M15A1. FM 44-59 Corps of Engineers. Camouflage of Antiaircraft Artillery. FM 5-20 F Training Memorandum. no. 7. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-tank, and Anti-Aircraft Braches). WO. 7317 Training Memorandum. no. 9. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraf Branches). WO 7319 Training Memorandum. no. 10. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7320 Traiing Memorandum. no. 11. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7321 Training Memorandum. no.14. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7324 Training Memorandum. no.13. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7323 Directions for the use of Anti-Aircraft Artillery Instruments Drill. Pamphlet no. 7. Predictor. 3.7 inch A.A. no. 2, Mark I; 3 inch, 20 CWT. A.A. … Reglement d'artillerie. Instruction technique, Première partie. Service des bouches a feu. Canon de 75 A.A. Automobile - België Voorschrift