Luger : an illustrated history of the handguns of Hugo Borchardt and Georg Luger, 1875 to the present day / [by] John Walter Handguns of the world : military revolvers and self-loaders from 1870 to 1945 / Edward C. Ezell history of Steyr Mannlicher / Friedrich Aigner, Reinolf Reisinger FN Browning Pistols ; side-arms that shaped world history / Anthony Vanderlinden ; ed. by Adam Firestone Combat guns / edited by Chris Bishop & Ian Drury Small arms of the world : a basic manual of small arms / W.H.B. Smith Assault pistols, rifles, and submachine guns / Duncan Long Small arms in profile / general editor A.J.R. Cormack pistolets automatiques français / Jean Huon Histoire des pistolets Mauser / Jean Huon le musée d'armes : études et recherches sur les armes anciennes 25 armes de poing à système du Musée d'Armes de Liège / par Philippe Hausoul et Guy Gadisseur Katalog zur Waffensammlung der Stiftung Baumann in den Räumen des Reichsstadtmuseums in Rothenburg o.d. Tauber / [Wilfried Baumann]