house report United States Military aid and supply programs in western Europe / United States Senate Committee on Government Operations ao-reeks Europese veiligheidsconferentie / J.W. van der Meulen Report of the sub-committee on defence co-operation on the implications of technology for the battlefield / presented by Patrick Duffy, rapporteur Central Europe logistic concept : logistics infrastructure criteria in atomic warfare / Nato Inleiding Hoofd Sectie Inlichtingen Defensiestaf over de krachtsverhoudingen NAVO - Warschaupakt / Ministerie van Defensie Navo beveiliging of gevaar? grand débat : initiation à la stratégie atomique / Raymond Aron battle for allied solidarity in an interdependent world : [papers of the 21st Annual assembly of the International Atlantic Treaty Association, held in Paris, autumn … document Present state of European security : report / submitted on behalf of the Committee on Defence Questions and Armaments by Mr. Fens Stalin denkt dat ik dood ben / door Vasjilef Kotov NAVO-Warschaupact vergeleken / uitg.: Ministerie van Defensie , Directie voorlichting Mit der Bombe leben, die gegenwärtigen Aussichten einer Begrenzung der Gefahr eines Atomkrieges / C.F. von Weizsäcker