Strategic requirements for the army to the year 2000 / ed. by Robert H. Kupperman, William J. Taylor, Jr Facing the atomic future / E.W. Titterton ; foreword by M. L. Oliphant Why America should join the allies / Theodore Roosevelt Atlantische Bündis und die Weltkrise / von James R. Huntley Memorandum of understanding between the government of the United States of America and the government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands English and American voices about the German South Tyrol / S. Miles Bouton, Robert Dell and Charles Harold Herford university of chicago war papers threat of German world-politics / by Harry Pratt Judson As he saw it / Elliott Roosevelt ; with a forew. by Eleanor Roosevelt Vietnamese bestand onder de loupe / H. J. Neuman instruction circular Cold war : 14 to 18 May 1962 Met het oog op de U.S.A. : voordrachten-cyclus / Werkgroep 2000 : 4: Angst voor de vreemde Rode Wereld / M. van Rossum case of the allies : being the replies to President Wilson and Mr. Balfour's despatch