Ordnance Field Maintenance. FM 9-10. Ordnance Maintenance and General Supply in the Field. FM 9-10. Ordnance Company, Dept. FM 9-25. Ordnance Battalion. Infantry Division. FM 9-25 Regulation for Army. Ordnance Services. War. Pamphlet no. 20. Vol. 2. Planning Data. WO 6049 (4051) Handbook of German Administration and Supply Regulation for supply, transport, and barrack services. WO. 370 Regulation for Army Ordnance Service. Pamphlet no. 42. Volume 3. Presarvation of Ordnance Store-Plant and Layout. WO 1748 Geneeskundige bevoorrading. VR 3340 Beladen van MLRS-munitie op een steenauto (alleen in oorlogstijd). IK 55-901689/C algemene bevoorradings- en dienstencompagnie. VS 10-15 Brandstofvoorzieningscompagnie. VR 10-25