aviation fact file Modern fighting aircraft F-16 : fighting falcon / [author: Doug Richardson ; editor: Ray Bonds] illustrated directory of modern Soviet weapons / ed. by Ray Bonds illustrated directory of modern American weapons / ed. by Ray Bonds Secret weapons : death rays, doodlebugs and Churchill's golden goose / Brian J. Ford Portraits from a prison camp / Ray Newell Cathode-ray oscilloscopes and video test instruments / Tektronix Chinese strijdkrachten : een technische analyse van de strategie en bewapening van de strijdkrachten van de Volks Republiek China / [auteurs Bill Gunston ... et … war department technical manual Dental X-ray machine : items 6088005, 6088010 war department technical manual X-ray field unit generator : item 9606000 war department technical manual X-ray field unit machine, chassis and table : items 9608508, 9608510, 9609005, 9609010, 9614500 war department technical manual X-ray field unit , fluoroscopic, foreign body localization, complete : item 9621500 Moderne tanks en gevechtsvoertuigen / Ray Bonds ; [vert. en bew. uit het Engels door B. Sundquest]