militärische schriftweiser Taktische Zeichen von Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr (NATO) in Gegenüberstellung / hrsg. Scharnhorst Buchkameradschaft Met het oog op de U.S.A. : voordrachten-cyclus / Werkgroep 2000 : 2: De Verenigde Staten en de NATO / A.L. Constandse Eurogroup Russia faces NATO expansion : bearing gifts or bearing arms? / J.L. Black role of NATO and its partner countries : extending security in the Euro-Atlantic area aspects of nato Women in the allied forces / Nato . Public Information Advisor defence of Europe / [NATO, Eurogroup] NATO after Kosovo / Rob de Wijk, Bram Boxhoorn, Niklaas Hoekstra, ed. ; [linguistic ed.: Rebecca Solheim] Non-military co-operation in NATO : text of the report of the committee of three / [Gaetano Martino, Halvard Lange and Lester Bowles Pearson] NATO glossary of military terms and definitions in English and French = Glossaire OTAN de termes militaires et definitions en anglais et francais Handbuch der Nato / [hrsg. von] Franz Wilhelm Engel Eurogroup / Nato Information Service