guerre du second empire contre l'Allemagne / E. Ruffer army book for the British empire : a record of the development and present composition of the military forces and their duties in peace and … Etude sur le service d'état-major pendant les guerres du premier empire / de Philip From empire to union : an introduction to the history of Netherlands-Indonesian relations refounding of the German empire 1848-1871 / G.B. Malleson new Soviet empire / by David J. Dallin chute du second empire / Saint-Marc-Girardin expansion européenne : Empire brittanique: Asie - Afrique - Océanie / Gustave Léon Niox empire et la défense de Paris devant le jury de la Seine / introduction et conclusion par le Général Trochu british survey. main series Portuguese empire : a study of the overseas territories of Portugal and their development Empire in Verteidigung und Angriff / H. Lufft international information series. british empire section defences of the Empire / Archibald Spicer Hurd