hodder paperbacks latter days at Colditz / P.R. Reid langste dag : 6 juni 1944 / Cornelius Ryan ; [uit het Engels vert. door Hans Edinga] D-Day : Operation Overlord : from its planning to the liberation of Paris / forew. by Winston S. Churchill ; [ed.: Tony Hall ; authors … Twenty days in the Reich : three downed RAF aircrew in Germany during 1945 / Flying Officer Squire ‘Tim’ Scott Aboard the LCC 60 : Normandy and Southern France 1944 / Howard Vander Beek Fight another day / J.M. Langley ; with an introduction by Airey Neave Another... bridge too far, longest day, Chevron: a Belgian village / Walthère Jamar; [ ed. by Pierre Gosset, Erik van der Hoeven] langste dag = The longest day You cannot keep those damned Dutchmen out of anything'. : de inzet van de kanonneer-boot Hr.Ms. Flores vóór, tijdens en na D-Day / Leon Homburg Normandy to the Baltic / B.L. Montgomery of Alamein