atlas of modern warfare / Chris Cook and John Stevenson ; cartography by QED ; research editor Stephen Brooks Strategy & tactics of sea warfare / Ned Wilmott Strategy & tactics of land warfare / [Ned Wilmott ; ed. by Will Fowler] Ontwapening, een illusie? / [bijdr. van B. Delfgaauw... et al.] Handleiding Amphibische operatie : de bataljons-landingsgroep / B. Dunki Jacobs Intelligence is for commanders / by Robert R. Glass and Philip B. Davidson agard conference proceedings Propagation limitations in remote sensing : papers presented at the 17th Symposium of the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel of AGARD held in Colorado Springs, USA, … agard report Transonic stability of fin and drag stabilized projectiles / by B. Cheers Ancient & historic metals : conservation and scientific research : proceedings of a symposium organized by the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Conservation … rijks geschiedkundige publicatiën Biografisch woordenboek van Nederland / J. Charité : Derde deel / [met medew. van B. Albach ... et al.] Chemistry of carbon compounds : a modern comprehensive treatise / E.H. Rodd : Vol. 1: Aliphatic compounds. Pt. B Chemistry of carbon compounds : a modern comprehensive treatise / E.H. Rodd : Vol. 2: Alicyclic compounds. Pt. B