Olijfkleurige webbing veldflesdrager, MK-II, tbv Britse veldfles (Nederland/Groot-Brittannië, 1940-1945) Instruction for Armourers 1931. Supplement no.2. Guns, Machine, Bren.303-inch. Mark I. Mountings, Tripod, Bren .303-inch. M.G, Mark I and accesories. WO 680 - Engeland Voorschrift … Military Engineering. Volume VIII. Transportation. Part IIa, Railway Survey. 1940. - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 1, Weapon training, 1942. - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Pamphlet no.11. Volume I. Pistool (.38-inch). 1941 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 21, Thompson Sub-Machine-Gun, 1940 - Engeland Voorschrift Small Arms Training. Volume I, Pamphlet No. 21, The Thomson Machine Carbine, 1942. - Engeland Voorschrift Adventure in diamonds / by David E. Walker