Ack-ack : with gun and searchlight crews at work and play Recueil choisi des dépêches et des ordres du jour du feld-maréchal duc de Wellington / par le colonel Gurwood Courts-martial appeals court / by F.L. Lee Secret session speeches : (delivered to the House of Commons 1940-1943) / by Winston S. Churchill ; comp. by Charles Eade history of the English-speaking peoples : The new world / Winston S. Churchill Royal Army Service Corps training memorandum : No.1 Royal Artillery training memorandum : No. 8 Royal Artillery training memorandum : No. 12 work of the Royal Engineers in the European war, 1914-19 / Royal Engineers Institute : Bridging culture birth of the museum : history, theory, politics / Tony Bennett military books History of the Sudan campaign : in two parts, with a case of maps : [From the departure of the desert column to the conclusion … military books History of the Sudan campaign : in two parts, with a case of maps : [Events leading up to the Nile expedition and its history …