vita e l'opera di Quinto Cenni / [illustrazioni a cura di Renato Artesi] trains blindés 1826-1989 / Paul Malmassari Ivan Mazuramic ban pucanin = Ivan Mazuramic der Banus aus dem Volke / [red. Jasna Tomicic] collector's encyclopedia of toys and dolls / ed. by Lydia Darbyshire Short history of the corps of Household Cavalry Musée royal de l'Armée belge / L. Leconte Scottish regimental badges 1793-1971 : including Commonwealth forces / by W.H. and K.D. Bloomer life guards : dress and appointments 1660-1914 / Charles Stadden British hussar regiments : 1805-1914 / A.H. Bowling 15th The King's hussars : dress and appointments 1759-1914 / Alan Kemp Exposition Armées Impériales : 1796-1815, 1851-1870 100 Jahre Eidgenössische Armee : Sonder-Ausstellung Jelmoli im Rahmen der Schweizer Woche 1948