men-at-arms series Korean war 1950-53 / text by Nigel Thomas and Peter Abbott ; colour plates by Mike Chappell technical bulletin Controlling museum fungal problems = Le contrôle des moisissures dans les musées / by thomas J.K. Strang and John E. Dawson technical bulletin Controlling vertebrate pests in museums = La lutte contre les vertébrés nuisibles dans les musées / by Thomas J.K. Strang and John E. Dawson qmc historical studies Clothing the soldier of World War II / by Erna Risch and Thomas Pitkin ; Historical Section Office of the Quartermaster General laws of war on land (written and unwritten) / by Thomas Erskine Holland "Old stick-leg" : extracts from the diaries of major Thom. Austin; arranged by H.H. Austin Bren gun saga / by Thomas B Dugelby Historische studiën / Theod. Jorissen voorstel tot versterking der levende strijdkrachten in school en leger / J. van Dam van Isselt hidden weapon : the story of economic warfare / by David L. Gordon and Royden Dangerfield ; foreword by Thomas K. Finletter Katrin wird Soldat : ein Roman aus Elsass-Lothringen / Adrienne Thomas Historische bladen / door Theod. Jorissen