Carte de visite van 1e luitenant Jonkheer A.D.J. Calkoen - H.H. officieren van het Detachement Veld-artillerie te 's-Gravenhage, aan den Majoor M.W.G. de Man 1868-1870 On the alert: a cavalry picket searching a spruit. Actors in the Chinese drama: a “Boxer” Actors in the Chinese drama: a Japanese infantryman. The chief British military signatory to the peace terms. Japan. - Armies of the world The Balkan trouble: forces of the smaller Eastern European States. - The Armies of the World Muscovy in Manchuria: scenes of the Russian military preparations. The European and Asiatic rivals in the Far East: the Mikado. The war-cloud in the Far East: the threatened Russo-Japanese hostilities. A unique Russian fighting unit: the “Hunter scouts”. “Living bayonets”: the irresistible charge of the Japanese.