great war : fully illustrated with photographs, drawings and maps / Winston S. Churchill Coppergate helmet / by Dominic Tweddle ; photography by Mike S. Duffy ; drawings by Helen Humphreys and Dick Raines other army : camp followers of the English Civil War / J. Thompson Barber-surgeon's mate of the 17th century / by Rory W. McCreadie van eyck libraries project D2 core record structure Histoire d'Angleterre depuis l'avènement de Jacques II / T.-B. Macaulay : Tome 1 Winston Churchill / door Lewis Broad ; [Ned. bew. en vert.: Theo Joekes] Artillery training : Gunnery / War Office Geschichte Englands seit den Friedensschlüssen von 1814 und 1815 : Die Whig-Periode von 1830 bis 1841 / Reinhold Pauli care of motor-cycle tyres / Dunlop Beknopt leerboek der economische aardrijkskunde / B.A. Kwast expansion européenne : Empire brittanique: Asie - Afrique - Océanie / Gustave Léon Niox