Men of the Dorsets cleaning their rifles in a ruined farm - British official photograph from the western front Ereteken voor Orde en Vrede, militair opgemaakt. met vier gespen Medaille voor Bijzondere Verdiensten van de vereniging Onze Luchtmacht Herinneringsmedaille en baton VN-Vredesoperaties Libanon 1979 - Herinneringsmedaille VN Vredesoperaties Oorlogsherinneringskruis, militair opgemaakt met vijf gespen en baton Herinneringsmedaille Multinationale Vredesoperaties, met gesp SINAI, voor deelname aan de Multinational Force and Observers Group, met baton Men at work on deck of an almost completed tramp - With the British navy in war time - Standard ships in various stages of … Men working on the partly contructed deck of a standard ship - With the British navy in war time Dockyard men at work on the stern of a destroyer - With the British navy in war time Men working in trenches - Official photograph taken on the British Italian front The men who stopped the German rush - The German offensive - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France A sister attending to gassed men in the Ambulance Train - Official photograph taken on the British western front in France - The German offensive