Tome Premier. Tome Second. Tome Troisiéme. Tome Quatriéme. Tome Cinquième. Geometrische und Graphische Versuche, oder Beschreibung der mathematischen Instrumente, deren man sich in der Geometrie, der Civil- und Militair-Vermessung, beim Rivelliren und in der Perspektive … German fortifications in Jersey / written by Michael Ginns and Peter Bryans ; artwork and design Colin Partridge and Stan Sloan Manual of military law 1929 / War Office G.E.C. radio engineering and the war effort : its contribution to victory command papers Export of surplus war material / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defence by command of … imperial war museum Photographic records of the Great War, 1914-1918 (Army) / publ. by authority of the Trustees Oliver Cromwell : 4. Theil: 1650-1657 / Fritz Hoenig