Geglazuurde herinneringstegel "C CIE/ OCA/ DEN BOSCH" tbv de Infanterie, Regiment van Heutsz en de Intendance (kleuren: wit/zwart/rood) Soldaten dragen een bij Beaumont buitgemaakte Duitse electrische dynamo met toebehoren The village churchyard gate in Northern France A large 16 inch German "dud" which fell in the Belgian lines Another "dud". The groups standing round consists of Belgian and British officers Belgian soldiers constructing a wind screen A view of the battlefield. Working party moving forward After the first objective had been taken, British Tommies in their new support line Irish guards attending to a wounded German after our advance Badly wounded German asks a British Tommy for a light British stretcher bearers amidst the ruins of a newly captured village The first wounded coming. Balloon going up in the back ground