Training Memorandum. no. 21. Royal Engineers. Special Training Number. WO 7160 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Trg Publications/1631 Training Memorandum. no. 25. Royal Engineers. WO 8362 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Trg Publcations/1751 Training Memorandum. Royal Engineers.Supplement. Diagrammatic representation of a field engineer regiment (armoured and infantry division). WO 8272 Training Memorandum. no.18. Royal Engineers. WO 7058 Training Memorandum. no.20. Royal Engineers. Bridging Special. WO 7159 Training Memorandum. no. 21. Royal Engineers. WO 7160 Standard Tests of Elementary Training. Royal Engineers. WO 7546 Pamphlet no. 35 A. Combined Operations. Royal Engineers. (Other than transportation Units). WO 7348 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS/Publcations/1158 Training Memorandum. no. 24. Royal Engineers. WO 8271 Royal Engineers. Supplementary Pocket Book. Water Supply. no. 6. WO 7144 Royal Engineers. Supplementary Pocket Book. no. 4. WO 7151