Tactiek en Organisatie van het Sovjet-Leger. TA 15 Manual of Field Engineering. Vol. I. (All Arms) Instructors' Handbook on Fieldcraft and Battle Drill - Engeland Voorschrift Manual of Recovery. (A) Recovery Vehicles by Types. Part IV. Tractor, Tracked, Recovery, Caterpillar D 8. WO 1618 Army Operation Signals. Extracts from CCBP2-2 "Combined Operation Signals" - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/949 Handbook of the B.L., 6 inch 26 CWT, Mark I, Howitzer on Mark I. Travelling Carriage. (Land Service). 1917 WO 3496 - Engeland Voorschrift 40/W.O./3496 Signal Training. (All Arms) Pamphlet no. 5. Signal Procedure. Part 1. Procedure for Radio Telephony. 1943 - Engeland Voorschrift Advanced Gas Training, 1943 Signal Training. Pamphlet no.28. Volume III. Wireless Station Maintenance and Fault Finding and Associated Vehicle Suppression Systems. WO 7568 Infantry Training. Volume I. Training Decret du 3 Decembre 1904 portant Reglement sur les manoeuvres de l'infanterie. Titre Ier. Regles generales et methodes d'instruction. Titre II. Ecole du soldat. Titre … Artillery Training. Pamphlet no.2. Survey. Volume VI. Computation. WO 7312