Stuka Ju-87 / A.J. Barker Aviation, mon grand amour / Pierre Paquir Operatie Bernhard : een op historische feiten berustend verslag van de grootste geldvervalsingsaffaire aller tijden / Walter Hagen ; [vert. uit het Duits door J.A.W. … D-Day : Operation Overlord : from its planning to the liberation of Paris / forew. by Winston S. Churchill ; [ed.: Tony Hall ; authors … air campaign : planning for combat / John A. Warden III ; with an introduction by Charles L. Donnelly, Jr Ghost Army of World War II : How One Top-Secret Unit Deceived the Enemy with Inflatable Tanks, Sound Effects, and Other Audacious Fakery / Rick … Noord-Afrika : november 1942 t/m mei 1943 / Kapiteins: C.R. Patist, C.H. v.d. Veen elite World War II infantry anti-tank tactics / Gordon L. Rottman ; ill. by Steve Noon ; cons. ed.: Martin Windrow elite World War II infantry tactics : company and battalion / Stephen Bull ; illustrated by Peter Dennis ; [editor: Martin Windrow] Tactics instruction memorandum : Organization and Functioning of Field Artillery of the Marine Division Intelligence bulletin / Military Intelligence Service, War Department Taktik im Russlandfeldzug : Erfahrungen und Folgerungen / Eike Middeldorf