Verhandeling over de oorlogs-vuurpijlen / door O.H. Kuyck Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Ballistics : Brussels Congress Centre, Brussels, Belgium, May 09-10-11, 1989 : Body armour & wound ballistics, weapon identification … Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Ballistics : Brussels Congress Centre, Brussels, Belgium, May 09-10-11, 1989 : Volume II: Warhead mechanisms, terminal ballistics / … Cursus raketmechanica / J.M.J. Kooy : Dl. 2 German small arms of World War II / A.J.R. Cormack ; ed. by Jean Sedley Weapons : an international encyclopedia from 5000 BC to 2000 AD / [by]the Diagram Group ; [editor David Harding] Secret weapons : death rays, doodlebugs and Churchill's golden goose / Brian J. Ford Model rocket design and construction : how to create and build unique and exciting model rockest that work / Timothy S. Van Milligan Missiles of the world / [by] Michael J.H. Taylor and John W.R. Taylor ussr armed forces Artillery and Missile Force / Albert Domank [transl. from the Russian] Guided missiles in war and peace / Nels A. Parson, Jr Honest John raket