Surface search radar model SG-6B for major warships - harbor control - coast defence / Microlambda Artillery training : General principles of AA Radar / War Office. Vol IV / War Office. Part I: A.A. Gunnery / War Office - Engeland … Artillery training : Equipment radar A.A. No. 3, Mark 5 / War Office. Vol IV / @War Office. Part I: A.A. Gunnery / @War Office agard conference proceedings Aerospace telecommunications systems : papers presented at the 23rd technical meeting of the Avionics Panel of AGARD held in London, 15-18 May 1972 agard advisory report Technical evaluation report on AGARD specialists meeting on radar propagation in the arctic / by J. Frihagen ; contrib. by T. Hagfors [a.o.] Science at war / by J.G. Crowther and R. Whiddington Radar Technology Principles of Radar OCEDE : de digitale marsroute Cathoderay tubes in airborne radar (MLD typen) Radar, elements of microwave Effects of electronic jamming on Radar