luchtoorlog boven Nederland : 1940-1945 / Bart van der Klaauw en Bart M. Rijnhout ; met medewerking van Jan J. van der Veer historische heuvelrug-reeks Secret squadrons of the Eighth / [Pat Carty ; maps by Mike Keep] aircraft F-117 Stealth in action / by Jim Goodall ; color by Don Greer ; illustrated by Joe Sewell Gulf air war debrief / general editor Stan Morse Fokker : 1911-1936 In twee dagen de wereld rond / door A.D. Hildebrand ; ingeleid door A. Plesman, pres.-dir. der K.L.M. en A. Viruly, alg. chef-vlieger der K.L.M. … Sigh for a Merlin : testing the Spitfire / Alex Henshaw Theo Van Eijck, kaper tegen wil en dank / door Ed. Brok Check six : a fighter pilot looks back / Major General F.C. "Boots" Blesse, USAF (Ret) Herinneringen / Rob van Wijngaarden Twenty days in the Reich : three downed RAF aircrew in Germany during 1945 / Flying Officer Squire ‘Tim’ Scott Broome : 3 March 1942-3 March 2012