Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 12. Field Gunnery, Concentrations of Observed Fire Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 13. Field Gunnery, Engagement of targets by observed fire Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet 4. Field Gunnery, Engagement of targets by observed fire. WO 8246 Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 5. Field Gunnery, Predicted Fire. Appendices. no. 8249 Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet 6. Field Gunnery, Programme Shoots. no. 8250 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 46. Camouflage. All Arms. 1941. Part 5: Artillery with te Field Army Aanwijzingen van de Inspecteur der Vestingartillerie omtrent de opleiding van het personeel van het 4e Regiment Vestingartillerie. (O.Vg.A. 4-'15) Qualification Tests for Specialists, Field Artillery. FM 6-125 Training Memorandum. no. 7. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-tank, and Anti-Aircraft Braches). WO. 7317 Training Memorandum. no. 9. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraf Branches). WO 7319 Training Memorandum. no. 10. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7320 Traiing Memorandum. no. 11. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7321