ww ii combat series Second World War combat weapons / ed. by William H. Tantum IV and E.J. Hoffschmidt Tools of violence : guns, tanks and dirty bombs / Chris McNab and Hunter Keeter Designed to kill / Arthur Hogben German machineguns / by Daniel D. Musgrave encyclopedia of infantry weapons of World War II / [by] Ian V. Hogg fusils Lee-Enfield / Jean Huon österreichische pistolen Weiterentwicklung der Selbstladepistole 1 : Selbstladepistolen in Österreich-Ungarn bzw. Österreich 1914 bis heute / Josef Mötz, Joschi Schuy Winter aan het Oostfront 1941-1942 Explosions : their anatomy and destructiveness / by Clark Shove Robinson Blaster's handbook : a manual describing explosives and practical methods of using them / prep. by the Technical Section of the Explosives Department Materiel instruction memorandum : Field Artillery Ammunition German Weapons Illustrated - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1179