meereskunde deutsche Marine in den Dardanellen / von Korvettenkapitän A.D. Schneider osprey élite series US marine corps since 1945 / text by Lee E. Russell ; colour pl. by Andy Carroll Naval operations in the Aegean between the 7th september, 1943 and 28th november, 1943 / by Algernon U. Willis Boat armament of the U.S. Navy / designed and executed under the direction of J.A. Dahlgren influence of sea power upon the French revolution and empire 1793-1812 / by A.T. Mahan Military symbols and abbreviations History of the Royal Navy / ed. by P.K. Kemp United States navy : American Revolution to Vietnam - a brief survey of influence on America`s history / E.M. Eller Exerzier-Reglement für die 21 cm., 24 cm., und 28 cm. Küstengeschütze der Kaiserlichen Marine Landungsschiffe / Manfred Weßling seri text-book sedjarah abri, no c4 Sedjarah perkembangan Angkatan Laut / Sudono Jusuf Kreuzerfahrten und U-Bootstaten / Otto von Gottberg