Documents sur les relations finno-soviétiques / publ. du Ministère des affaires étrangères de Finlande I was there : the personal story of the chief of staff to presidents Roosevelt and Truman, based on his notes and diaries made at … publication Nazi-Soviet relations, 1939-1941 : documents from the archives of the German Foreign Office / ed. by Raymond James Sontag and James Stuart Beddie ; with … document Investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack / report of the Joint Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack [chairman Alben W. Barkley], Congress … penguin special Government blue book : documents concerning German-Polish relations and the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3, 1939 Vol. 6: Documents, post-war accounts, maps and photographs / edited by Paul H. Kratoska public record office handbooks Second World War : a guide to documents in the Public Record Office / [door L. Bell ... et al.] Japanse stukken in het archief en de bibliotheek van de Indische Afdeling : een overzicht / Jaap van Gelderen