Instruction for practice seaward. Royal Artillery.1938. WO 7464 - Engeland Voorschrift Pamphlet no. 34. Combined Operations. Royal Artillery. WO 7847 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/911 Flash-Spotting Training. Pamphlet no.1. Air Burst Ranging (for use by Survey Regiments, R.A.). WO 7308 - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/G.S. Publications/479 Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (Chapter 3). Carriage of Artillery. Equipment bij Air. Section 6, Q.F. 17 Ponder, Mark 1 Gun on Carriage … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet no.4. (chapter 3). Carriage of Artillery. Equipment by air. Section 3, Q.F. 3.7 Howitzer, Mark 1 on carriages 3-7 … Supplement no.3 to Army/Air Operations Pamphlet. no.4. (Chapter 3) Carriage of Artillery. Equipment by Air. Section 5, Pack Howitzer M1A1 on carriage, M8 in Dakota … Coast Artillery Training. Vol. I Training 1939 - Engeland Voorschrift Pamphlet no. 7 B. Combined Operations. SP Artillery in An Assault Landing. WO 7830 - Engeland Voorschrift Coast Artillery Drills, Part I - Pamphlet No 1, The Fortress System of Range-Finding and Observation 1938 - Engeland Voorschrift Coast Artillery Drills, Part I - Pamphlet No.8, Stereoscopic Telescopes, 1938 - Engeland Voorschrift Coast Artillery Drills, Part I - Pamphlet No. 13, Travel Correction Calculator-Magslip Transmission in conjunction with Ballistic Correction Calculator, 1944 - Engeland Voorschrift Coast Artillery Drills, Part I - Pamphlet No. 19, Drill for Fire Direction Table, Mark IVB, 1944 - Engeland Voorschrift