castello di Gallipoli : illustrazione storica architettonica / E. Vernole ; con prefazione di S.E. il generale Leone Andrea Maggiorotti men-at-arms series Rome's enemies Memorandum on the economic and financial situation of the italian territories in Africa : containing the equivalence in dollars of the values expressed in italian … Surface search radar model SG-6B for major warships - harbor control - coast defence / Microlambda Rhyme and reason : a souvenir volume of verse by Canadian soldier-poets / [foreword by C.W. Gilchrist ; ill. by Luzny] Histoire de la Gaule / Camille Jullian : IV: Le gouvernement de Rome Etudes sur les armées du Directoire : Joubert à l'armée d'Italie, Championnet à l'armée de Rome (oct. 1798-janv. 1799) / P. Mahon roi de Rome (1811-'32) / H. Welschinger guide-books to the museums and monuments of italy Castel Sant' Angelo / Emilio Lavagnino ; transl. from the Italian by C.H. Pennock rifornimenti dell'esercito mobilitato durante la guerra alla fronte Italiana (1915-1918) / Ministerio della Guerra, Stato Maggiore Centrale, Ufficio Segreteria/1Rome fall of Constantinople and the Papacy in Rome / Edward Gibbon ; ed. and with an introd. by Felipe Fernández-Armesto Instruction book for the interchangeability of components for radio set AN/TPS-1D : for equipments 001 to 120