Waffe und Waffengebrauch im Zeitalter der Landsknechte / Georg Ortenburg dizionari terminologici Armi bianche dal Medioevo all'età moderna / a cura di Carlo De Vita ; redazione dello Studio De Vita ; tavole e grafica dello Studio … history and warfare military revolution debate : readings on the military transformation of Early Modern Europe / ed. by Clifford J. Rogers johns hopkins studies in the history of technology. new series Weapons and warfare in Renaissance Europe : gunpowder, technology, and tactics / Bert S. Hall liebhaber aufgaben Wallenstein und die Zeit des dreissigjährigen Krieges / Hans Schulz European helmets, 1450-1650 : treasures from the reserve Collection / Stuart W. Pyhrr Writings on architecture : civil and military, c1460 to 1640 : a checklist of printed editions / comp. by John Bury & Paul Breman cassell's history of warfare Renaissance at war / Thomas Arnold