Military operations : France and Belgium 1914-1918 : The German retreat to the Hindenburg line and the battle of Arras / comp by Wilfrid Miles … militair geneeskundige dienst in Nederlandsch-Indië op voet van oorlog / samengest. met medew. van J.E. Dinger ... [et al.] Lijst der voorwerpen van militaire kleeding, bewapening en uitrusting berustende in de historische verzameling der Schutterij te Amsterdam / [inl. van J.E. van Someren Brand, … Band and State Trumpeters of the Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) Amerika en de oorlog / door J.E. van der Wielen Actieve handelspolitiek : feiten en uitkomsten / door J.E. Vleeschhouwer ; uitg. door de Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Vrijhandel Military operations : France and Belgium 1914-1918 : Mons, the retreat to the Seine, the Marne and the Aisne, august-october 1914 / comp. by J.E. … Military operations : France and Belgium 1914-1918 / J.E. Edmonds : Winter 1914-15 : Battle of Neuve Chapelle : Battles of Ypres / comp. by … Military operations : France and Belgium 1914-1918 : Battles of Aubers Ridge, Festubert and Loos / comp. by J.E. Edmonds / J.E. Edmonds Military operations : France and Belgium 1914-1918 : March-April: Continuation of the German offensives / comp. by James E. Edmonds ; / J.E. Edmonds Military operations : France and Belgium 1914-1918 : 2nd July 1916 to the end of the battles of the Somme / comp. by Wilfrid Miles … Hitler's blitzkrieg campaigns : the invasion and defense of Western Europe, 1939-1940 / J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann