st Walcheren bevrijd : een fotografisch overzicht van de operaties ter bevrijding van Walcheren in november 1944 : een selectie uit de collecties van: Documentatiegroep "Walcheren … Identification friend or foe : being the story of aircraft recognition / written and designed by Tim Hamilton Edward Bawden, war artist, and his letters home, 1940-1945 / edited by Ruari McLean Imperial War museum : handbook Handbook of the Imperial War Museum : [Lambeth Road, London S.E.I] : 1914 to the present day / With a pref. by Noble Frankland Imperial War Museum Duxford / [written by Frank Crosby ; designed by Peter Dolton] Imperial War Museum North / [voorw. Robert Crawford en Vivienne Bennett] History of the second world war Imperial War Museum : 'the two world wars and other 20 th. century conflicts' pan grand strategy series Imperial War Museum book of the First World War / Malcolm Brown Song and sheet music catalogue : scores from the First and Second World Wars / Imperial War Museum. Department of Printed Books History of the Second World War ; an international history publ. in co-op. with the Imperial War Museum / ed. Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Barrie …