Blauwe baretten tussen twee vuren in Libanon / samengest. door Piet Kamphuis, Bob van Opzeeland en Almar Tjepkema, in samenw. met de Sectie Militaire Geschiedenis … Third Battalion Grenadier Guards Petty officers and seamen of the Royal Navy - Types of the British Army and Navy, No. XVI "The Royal engineers" - Types of the British army Queen Elizabeth's artillerymen: the historical pageant at the military tournament Preparing for eventualities: Japanese infantry scouting Seen through the glasses at Liaoyang: a gallant Russian battery that would not be beaten AVRO MuseumGasten Legermuseum Delft Frank de Grave en Rob de Wijk 16-4-2005 Cartridges of the world : arcane, obsolete & oddball ammunition Wormer mannen bij de Belgische Opstand (1830-1833) / door Frank en Paul Tjeertes US Military medals 1939 to 1994 Human Factors in Flight